Cookies Use Policy

We appreciate your interest in CY Export and the use of our website.

Use of Cookies

When a person visits our website, identifiers, called cookies, are added to that visitor’s browser or device, which inform us about their interaction with the pages and resources on our website. A cookie file may contain information that the website uses to interact with the visitor individually and to adapt the internet experience to their preferences.

In general, certain cookies allow the website to “remember” the user only during the visit (called “session cookies”), or allow the website to remember the user on repeated visits (they are called “persistent cookies”).

Cookies can serve several purposes, such as allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, store preferences and, in general, improve the experience on a website. Cookies allow interaction between the website and the user in an easier and quicker way. They can also serve to target advertising (for example, according to location or browsing habits).

On its website, CY Export uses the Analytic cookies, used for the purposes of creation and statistical analysis, without colleting any personal information. We use Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors use our website and their behavior on each page. The visitor can reject or disable the cookies on their browser settings.

Review of Cookies Use Policy

The terms of this Policy may be updated or adapted from time to time to reflect our activities, as well as to always comply with the applicable Laws and best practices.

January 2021